OH3 Occupational Health Services in Edinburgh & Scotland
Occupational health provider registered in Scotland with a clinic in central Edinburgh
OH3 provides occupational health Doctor and Nurse services. We have expanded to launch our Edinburgh Clinic, offering the full range of medical assessments at our location or onsite with clients throughout Scotland.
More about our Edinburgh Occupational Health clinicWe offer a wide range of occupational health services in Edinburgh and throughout Scotland
You can see the range of occupational health medicals that we provide either from our clinic in central Edinburgh or at client locations throughout Scotland below.
To request an appointment for these services quickly and easily you can fill out the appointment request form at the bottom of this page. Underneath this text we have also include a link, which you can follow to easily find the location of our Edinburgh clinic, which is located on Third Floor, York House, 14 South St Andrew Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2AZ.
Absence Management Occupational Health Referral
Sickness absence amongst employees, whether short term or long term, is a big problem for companies and organisations across Scotland. In order to manage this issue effectively, employers and HR personnel need full and accurate answers delivered in a legally sound way that is helpful to the employee, the employer, the HR Manager and other stakeholders.
OH3 offers appointments for absence management referrals, (sometimes called case management or occupational health referrals) within seven working days and a report of the assessment will be provided within three working days. Due to the ongoing pandemic these appointments generally undertaken by telephone assessment which also works well for multi-sited organisations, however we can see employees face-to-face at our clinic where required or requested by the employer.
A thorough medical assessment will be carried out on the employee with a view to meeting the needs of both the employee and the employer and enhancing the partnership between the two, offering caring support for the employee and allowing manager to effectively deal with the problem of employee absence. The assessment will determine when, if ever the employee will be able to return to work and if this should be on full or reduced duties and what, if any, support should be put in place to improve their recovery period.
Health Surveillance
Health surveillance provides a framework required by law which is designed to protect employees who are exposed to a number of hazards which can potentially damage their health whilst at work. These health assessments are important in detecting early signs of ill health and our different services for employers who require health surveillance is below. We can conduct these session at our clinic location in Edinburgh or onsite with clients also throughout Scotland.
To meet all of your health surveillance requirements OH3 can provide; HAVS (hand arm vibration) medicals, hearing testing-audiometry medicals, isocyanate testing, respiratory surveillance / sensitiser medicals and skin assessment health surveillance also.
The health surveillance program that we put in place will be unique to your organisation and its needs and OH3 is flexible around the delivery of any health surveillance medicals, which are carried out to fit the exact needs of your organisation.
OGUK Oil & Gas UK Medical
At our Edinburgh clinic OH3 provides OGUK offshore medicals, previously known as UKOOA). This is an important medical for offshore workers as employees need to pass this medical in order to work offshore. At the end of the examination, a certificate will be issued which is valid for a total of two years. However, in the event that the employee is deemed medically unfit to work offshore or fit to work offshore but with restrictions, then during the examination the doctor will explain this to the employee whilst issuing the relevant certificate.
At OH3 we provide both individuals and organisations and operating in the offshore industry throughout Scotland with rapid offshore medical appointment booking. The medical is required to work in UK waters and consists of a health questionnaire, a blood pressure and pulse reading, a vision test including colour vision, an audiometric hearing test, a height and weight check in order to calculate BMI, a urine sample, peak flow measurement and a medical examination by an Occupational Health Physician. Drug and alcohol tests are not routinely carried out as standard for offshore medicals and only at request of the employer.
EBS Fit To Train Medical
A (Fit To Train) EBS medical is often required alongside the OGUK Medical Assessment. It covers Fitness for Compressed Air Emergency Breathing Systems (CA-EBS) and is often termed PSTASS EBS. This is a medical service to certify that an employee is medically fit enough to undertake the in-water survival training for helicopter transport.
This clinical assessment comprises analysing the results of a wellness questionnaire and a follow up consultation with OGUK trained occupational health doctor. Following this assessment, further checks might be required, for example, a physical assessment by the specialist and a spirometry test. There are no pre-requirements for this clinical assessment and anybody having the assessment must bring photographic ID, for example, a driving license or passport identification.
A clinical certificate of fitness to take part in any water training with a compacted air breathing framework will be given on successful fulfilment of the occupational health clinical appraisal.
SEQOHS Safety Critical Worker Medical
The OH3 occupational health clinic in Edinburgh provides SEQOHS safety critical medicals for both individuals and organisation that require them. Under current Health & Safety legislation (Health and Safety at Work Act 1974), employers have a duty of care to safeguard the health and safety of their employees. This is particularly relevant to those carrying out safety critical tasks. It is important that safety critical workers are not suffering from medical conditions or undergoing any medical treatment which is likely to cause sudden loss of consciousness or incapacity, impairment of awareness, concentration, balance or coordination or significant limitation of mobility.
This medical will comprise a baseline SCW health questionnaire to establish any current or previous medical/psychological health history, blood pressure measurement, height, weight & body mass, audiometry – hearing test, industrial standard audiometry, spirometry (apart from during the covid-19 pandemic) – full lung function test, visual acuity, colour vision and peripheral vision screen, urinalysis for diabetes or other health issues, musculo-skeletal assessment and a mental health assessment.
A result form will be completed for sending to the employer or requesting body. Copies can be given to the employee upon request.
A drug test is not routinely carried out for safety critical worker medical, but can be arranged when booking your medical.
RUK/GWO Wind Turbine Medical
From our Edinburgh occupational health clinic OH3 offers workers in the renewable energy sector medical assessments to certify that an employee is fit to work with wind turbines. The GWO/RUK RenewableUK Wind Turbine clinical assessment is an evaluation of fitness to deal with both seaward and land based tasks associated with work in this field.
The organisations RenewableUK and Global Wind Organisation are responsible for setting the clinical guidance for the assessment, which ensures that employees who work on wind turbines do not have medical conditions or illnesses which would put their safety at risk while at work.
The OH3 occupational health GWO/RUK Wind Turbine assessment comprises the following medical evaluations:
– Health and medical history questionnaire
– Consultation with either our Occupational Health Physician or our Occupational Health Advisor
– Routine urine test
– Height and weight calculation for BMI
– Eye test to ensure a satisfactory level of level sight for working on wind turbines
– Pulse and blood pressure assessment
– Spirometry (lung function test)
– Hearing test
– Chester Step Test.
Licensed Asbestos Medical
If your employees work with asbestos they may require either a licensed or non-licensed asbestos medical under the Control of Asbestos At Work Legislation 2012. OH3 has a HSE appointed doctor who is qualified to carry out these assessments. Which include a health questionnaire and spirometry test (lung function test, apart from during the covid-19 pandemic).
This type of medical is designed to be ongoing and should comprise of an initial and then ongoing clinical assessments. The first clinical assessment should take place before starting to work with asbestos. Intermittent clinical assessments should take place every two years, with any medical issues that come to light during the assessment being noted on a health surveillance record.
New Starter Medical
New starter health screening is an important part of any recruitment process, ensuring that the employee is capable to undertake their new role or to analyse if they have a disability, if so OH3 can then advise on any adjustments required.
For employees exposed to potential health hazards such as vibration, noise, skin and respiratory sensitisers we would recommend that baseline tests are conducted at the medical which are used as a comparator when attending future health surveillance screening.
We offer two types of assessments at our Edinburgh occupational health clinic for new starter medicals; a health screening questionnaire and a face to face medical assessment.
The company is then issued with a fitness to work certificate for their new employee after these assessments.
OH3 is a SEQOHS Accredited occupational health provider
OH3 is a SEQOHS accredited occupational health service. This is an external accreditation from the Faculty of Occupational Medicine which ensures that our practice is a – Safe, Effective, Quality, Occupational Health Service.
Whether delivering occupational medicals at our clinic in central Edinburgh, or working onsite at client premises throughout Scotland, we are fully committed to high standards of clinical governance. Our rigorous clinical accountability and high standards of practitioner training allows OH3 to be your trusted occupational health provider.
Request a quote for occupational health services in Edinburgh and throughout Scotland
You can use the form below to request a quotation and more information regarding our occupational health services in Edinburgh
Occupational health service testimonials
Below is feedback from our occupational health clients:

Clinic Feedback:
“I can’t thank you and your staff enough for your help, assistance and resolution of my predicament”

Clinic Feedback:
“Once again, many thanks indeed”

Clinic Feedback:
“What a pleasure it is to know that there are people who really appreciate offshore personnel difficulties”

Clinic Feedback:
“Please convey my sincere thanks to Jane”