Occupational Health Services Newcastle
Occupational health provider, delivering occupational medicals from our clinic in central Newcastle and across the North East onsite with our clients
At OH3 we provide a wide range of occupational health services delivered by our experienced clinical team. Our Newcastle occupational health clinic is continuing to provide our trusted occupational health services, to keep employees safe. Within our Newcastle clinic we have implemented covid secure practises.
Our Newcastle occupational health clinic is SEQOHS accredited
At OH3 we are a SEQOHS accredited occupational health provider. SEQOHS accreditation is an external measure and audit by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, which helps to make sure that an occupational health practice is a Safe, Effective, Quality, Occupational Health Service.
Either in our work to carry out occupational medical services at our Newcastle occupational health clinic, or through our delivery of occupational health services onsite at our client premises across the North East of England, OH3 is proud of our clinical governance and high standards of service. Our thorough clinical accountability and high levels of clinician training means that we are an occupational health provider that you can trust.
OH3 delivers trusted occupational health services from our clinic in Newcastle and across the North East
Our range of occupational health medicals that we deliver both from our central Newcastle clinic and onsite at our client premises throughout the North East of England are below.
You can book an appointment for our Newcastle clinic occupational health services using the convenient form located at the bottom of this page. Directly underneath this text you can also follow a link which will take you to the location of our Newcastle clinic, which is situated at 4th Floor, The Grainger Suite, Dobson House, Regent Farm Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3PF.
SEQOHS Safety Critical Medical
Employers have a duty of care to protect the health and safety of their employees whilst at work. This is particularly important for employees that work in safety critical settings. Employers must ensure that their workers do not have illnesses or are undergoing medical treatment that could cause danger to themselves and others whilst working in a safety critical setting. If an employee in a safety critical role was suffering from a condition that could cause, for example, issues with their balance or sudden loss of coordination or consciousness, then this could put themselves or their colleagues at risk.
A safety critical worker medical will help to mitigate against these risks. This medical consists of a health questionnaire with a review of both mental and physical health history, a blood pressure check, body mass index analysis, a hearing test, lung function test, eye sight (near, far and colour) check and a screen for other health issues such as mobility and coordination. This assessment will be carried out by one of our clinical team at our Newcastle occupational health clinic with a certificate issued at the end of the assessment if the employee passes the examination as fit-to-work. If the OHA is in any doubt about the employee’s fitness, then this may be passed to one of our Occupational Health Doctors (OHP) to examine. Drug and alcohol testing is not standard as part of a safety critical medical, but can be done at request of the employer.
Health Surveillance (Biological Monitoring)
OH3 offers employers health surveillance services which include HAVS, audiometry, lung function and skin assessments. Required by law, health surveillance provides a framework which is used to ensure that any employees in a workplace that are exposed to potential hazards are able to allow a trained occupational health professional to detect the early signs of any ill health. Employers use Health Surveillance as a measure to look after the health of employees in relation to their work and in order to ensure that employees are not being harmed by aspects of their work. Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1992 placed a duty on employers to do risk assessment to try and ensure they were not harming their employees with any of the work activities.
OH3 can carry out our health surveillance services either onsite with our clients through the North East or at our Newcastle clinic. If your employees use; hand-held power tools, work in environments where noise levels may damage their hearing, are exposed to respiratory irritants or work using specific chemicals which may damage their skin, then an occupational health surveillance programme will ensure that the early signs of ill health associated with these conditions are detected early and mitigated against.
Biological monitoring such as isocyanate testing can also be conducted where required at ou Newcastle occupational health clinic or onsite with clients.
OGUK Oil & Gas UK Medical
OH3 delivers OGUK Offshore Medicals (formerly UKOOA) at our Newcastle occupational health clinic. This is an important medical assessment to ensure that an offshore worker is fit enough to be able to work in an offshore environment. This medical is required for all UK offshore employees and it is necessary that those working offshore pass the medical to be deemed fit to be able to carry out this work. A certificate is issued at the end of the appointment, however should the employee not pass the examination or pass but with restrictive duties specified then the Occupational Health Doctor (OHP) will explain this fully while issuing the certificate. The assessment consists of a previous and current medical history questionnaire, a pulse and blood pressure measurement, a standard vision and colour vision check, a hearing test, a BMI height and weight calculation, as well as a urine sample, peak flow measurement and a general medical examination.
OH3 also carries out OGUK company specific offshore medicals for employees who are required to work in non-UK waters. Medical assessments which may be carried out inrelation to this include tests such as blood profile, blood group, ECG, x-rays and virology.
EBS Fit To Train Medical
Fit to train medicals are a part of the OGUK medical assessment, which assesses fitness for compressed air emergency breathing systems, known as (CA-EBS). The EBS fit to train medical service certifies that an employee is medically fit to take part in survival training. The clinical analysis is made up of a consultation with an OGUK trained occupational health Doctor, after this an assessment further analysis such as the need to conduct a spirometry test may be required.
A medical certificate which designates an employee as fit to take part in the water training with a compacted air breathing framework will be provided on effective completion of the assessment. If the Occupational Health Physician confirms an employee as unfit to take part in the CA-EBS training session then confirmation of this will be provided if the individual cannot pass the medical on clinical grounds. This medical can be carried out onsite with our clients across the North East for large numbers or at our Newcastle occupational health clinic also.
RUK/GWO Wind Turbine Medical
OH3 offers wind turbine workers in the renewable energy sector a RUK/GWO wind turbine worker medical assessment which determines an employee’s fitness to work on wind turbines. This clinical assessment examines the employee’s fitness to undergo both the sea and land based tasks associated with working on a wind farm.
This clinical assessment is set with guidelines from RenewableUK, the assessment is designed to analyse whether an employee is medically able to undertake tasks associated with that of a wind farm. This is to ensure that they are not currently experiencing illnesses which would put their safety at risk whilst working at height, in hot or confined places and using equipment such as steps or ladders, being the conditions expected whilst working with specific occupational challenges associated with wind turbines.
This examination consists of a medical questionnaire, consultation with the Occupational Health Physician or our Occupational Health Advisor, a urine test, BMI calculation, eye test to ensure a satisfactory level eye sight for working on wind turbines, pulse and blood pressure assessment, spirometry (lung function test), hearing test in our audio booth and a Chester Step Test, carried out at our Newcastle occupational health clinic.
Absence Management (Case Management Referral) Medical
Employee sickness leave impacts many different organisations for both short and long term sickness leave. Employers frequently do not know how long an employee will be off of work or if they are ever going to be fit to return to their normal duties following an illness. To manage this situation, employers and HR teams need full information regarding an employee’s medical situation delivered in a way that is full and precise. OH3 can offer appointments for absence management within seven days and reports are returned in three working days, employees can request a copy beforehand for prior review but this may extend turnaround times. Our absence management medical report is designed to address the issues of the employee and the employer, improving the relationship between these two parties the report will assist with supporting a facilitated return to work on full or restricted dutues. Every occupational health refferal assessment covers diagnosis, prognosis and capability for work. At this point it will be determined when, if at any time, will the worker be fit to getting back to their normal duties with the option of support and what support should be made available. A decision will be made if the employee’s return to the workforce would be helped by a phased return to work, and if so for how long. A consultation will consider whether or not the employee’s condition is covered by the Equality Act 2010 and following this if the Equality Act applies, what changes in accordance with the hours, obligations or workplace duties would be medically required to assess if this worker will be able to proceed in their role. Finally a discussion would be held to check whether additional support could be offered by the employer that the organisation could consider which may help the worker, for example counselling and a goal to remove any issues at work that are highlighted as a result of the assessment.
Occupational health employee referral NewcastleNew Starter Medical
Medical screening of new starters is a vital part of any recruitment process. This is carried out in order to ensure that a new employee is able to undertake their new role and to analyse also if they have disability. If this is the case, OH3 are able to advise the employer of any adjustments that this situation may require.
Employees who during their work are exposed to potential health risks are recommend to undergo medical screening to be used as a measure of future health surveillance screening. OH3 carries out two types of assessments for new starter medicals, a health screening questionnaire and a face to face medical assessment. Our health questionnaire screen can be either in a hard copy or by our online assessment using our client log in area. If an employee declares any health conditions or is taking any medication that requires further assessment we will arrange for one of our Occupational Health Advisors to contact the employee for a telephone assessment. We also offer face to face new starter medicals, these can be conducted onsite if a number of employees require assessments or at our occupational health clinic in Newcastle. The company is then issued with a fitness to work certificate for their new employee after these assessments.
Fit To Travel Medical
At OH3 we provide travel health advice as well as vaccinations. It is vital that we are contacted as soon as any employee is aware that they are required to travel, in order for OH3 to make the necessary arrangements to deliver immunisations which often must be carried out in a certain time frame before travelling. We require all employees using our travel health clinic to complete a pre-trip questionnaire also, which allows us to attain the information necessary to complete the travel medical. For this we require the full details of the trip which must include the destinations, route, length of stay and details of any planned activities, as well as the full length of the period abroad and also the type of accommodation that the employee intends to stay in.
Our travel clinic issues a number of vaccinations (excluding antimalarial medications and yellow fever) we also provide general travel advice to inform the traveller of potential risks that they may encounter whilst working abroad in a specific area. OH3 are able to offer Randox PCR Swab Tests for covid-19 at our Newcastle occupational health clinic for fit to fly or visa purposes, the turnaround time for these results is within 72 hours.
Additional Services
Mental Health Counselling
Many employees are feeling anxious at the moment. Mental health concerns can have an impact on most employees in some way, employees who are already struggling with mental health issues may find their current circumstances especially challenging. OH3 provides counselling to employees with use of our registered BACP counsellor.
Request a quote for occupational health services in Newcastle and throughout the North East of England
You can use the form below to request a quotation and more information regarding our occupational health services in Newcastle
Occupational health service testimonials
Below is feedback from our occupational health clients:

Clinic Feedback:
“Thank you all for your support last week it has been so helpful”

Clinic Feedback:
“Very welcoming and professional”

Clinic Feedback:
“The turnaround has been very speedy”

Clinic Feedback:
“The quality of the reports are excellent”