Occupational health services for employers, businesses and organisations
OH3 provides a full suite of occupational health services for employers, these are suitable for companies, organisations, HR managers and employers responsible for the health and well-being of their team members at work.
OH3 is a trusted and experienced provider of occupational health services for employers. Our services range from occupational health referrals to support an employee who requires medical assistance for long-term sickness, new starter medicals for colleagues who need a medical check that are new to your workforce, DSE display screen equipment medicals, SEQOHS safety critical medicals, health surveillance, RUK wind turbine medicals or OGUK oil and gas medicals.
You can use the form below to request an occupational health quote and more information regarding our occupational health services for employers.
Absence Management Occupational Health Referral Medical
Employee sickness absence creates huge problems for companies. Whether employees are off sick short or long term, companies often don’t know for how long, or if they are ever going to be fit to return to work. To manage employees, a manager requires full, accurate answers to manage the absence in a legally sound way – which must be helpful to the employee, the human resource manager, the employee’s departmental manager and any other stakeholder.
OH3 offer occupational health referral appointments often within seven working days and reports are returned within two days, providing the employee does not request a copy first. Our comprehensive medical assessment and report answers these questions in a way which meets all the needs of employer and employee, enhancing the partnership between the two, caring for and supporting the employee whilst allowing managers to manage their workforce.
Each assessment covers what is the diagnosis is, the severity and prognosis. Then it will be determined when, if ever, will the employee be fit to return to normal duties and be able to give full effective service. A decision will be made if recuperative duties could be helpful to maximise the chances of a successful, sustained or earlier return to work and for how long this will be. Following this an assessment will be conducted to see if the colleague’s condition is likely to be covered by the Equality Act 2010 and then if the Equality Act applies, what adjustments to the hours, duties or working environment, if any, would be medically required or desirable to enable this employee to continue in the role. It would then be up to the company to decide whether or not it can accommodate these ‘reasonably’.
A discussion would then be held to see if there any other supportive measures the company could consider which may help the employee e.g. counselling, and a resolution of any problems at work, with an assessment of whether any medical complaints was caused or exacerbated by work with an assessment of if these absences are frequent and/or short-term only. Following this it will be determined if there are any underlying medical reason for these absences and if we are able to advise on any measures which may improve this employee’s level of absence whilst assessing what the likely level of absence would be in the future in relation to this, or any other potential relevant condition.
During the consultation the doctor will give your employee advice in relation to the management of their condition and information on self-help techniques and prevention strategies to minimise future episodes. Management will then receive a comprehensive occupational health report and clear guidance based on these questions.
Health Surveillance Including; Isocyanate Testing, HAVS, Audiometry, Lung Function, Skin Assessments
Health surveillance provides a framework required by law which is designed to protect employees who are exposed to a number of hazards which can potentially damage their health whilst at work. These health assessments are important in detecting early signs of ill health and our different services for employers who require health surveillance is below. We can conduct these session at our clinic locations or onsite with clients also.
HAVS (Hand Arm Vibration) Medical
If any of your employees use hand-held power tools (ie, hammer drills, polishers, sanders, grinders) you may need health surveillance to comply with the regulations to help protect your employees. OH3 can advise your organisation on the level of assessments you require.
Hearing Testing-Audiometry
If your organisation’s risk assessment of noise at work shows your staff are at risk of damaging their hearing, you need to implement a hearing health surveillance program. As well as helping to protect your employees’ hearing, this can also protect your organisation from potential future litigation.
Isocyanate Testing
Isocyanates are used in various types of products such as paints, foam and glues. If employees are exposed to isocyanates it can cause sensitisation and may lead to occupational asthma.
Respiratory Surveillance / Sensitisers
If your employees’ work with chemicals or dust that can be irritating to the respiratory systems or can cause sensitisation by inhalation they may need regular respiratory health surveillance medicals.
Skin Assessment Health Surveillance
Employees exposed to specific chemicals, oils, dusts, latex or whose hands are frequently wet can develop allergic skin reactions. If left untreated these conditions may become chronic and permanent which may lead to the employee being unable to work and the risk of litigation. If work sensitisers are the cause then it may be reportable under RIDDOR.
SEQOHS Safety Critical Medicals
Under current Health & Safety legislation (Health and Safety at Work Act 1974), employers have a duty of care to safeguard the health and safety of their employees. This is particularly relevant to those carrying out safety-critical tasks. It is important that safety-critical workers are not suffering from medical conditions or undergoing any medical treatment which is likely to cause sudden loss of consciousness or incapacity, impairment of awareness, concentration, balance or coordination or significant limitation of mobility. A medical, such as a fitness-for-task health check, as identified in the National Industry Standards for Occupational Health and Constructing Better Health, will go a long way towards ensuring these legal requirements are met.
This medical will comprise of a baseline SCW health questionnaire to establish any current or previous medical/psychological health history, blood pressure measurement, height, weight & body mass, audiometry – hearing test, industrial standard audiometry, spirometry – full lung function test, visual acuity, colour vision and peripheral vision screen, urinalysis for diabetes or other health issues, muscular skeletal assessment and a mental health assessment.
The test is conducted by an OH nurse (OHA) with suitable qualifications and/or experience at our OH3 clinics or at client premises, subject to suitable conditions for audiometry testing (audiometric booth made available or suitably quiet room). We recommend these medicals be conducted 2-yearly or otherwise as directed by company policy, with reviews conducted sooner if the OHA conducting the medical deems it to be necessary. A referral to our Occupational Health Physician – May be recommended by the OHA if any doubts about the persons fitness to conduct safety critical work remain.
A result form will be completed for sending to the employer or requesting body. Copies can be given to the employee upon request. Consent to conduct the medical will be obtained at the time of the assessment, preferably in writing, and confirmation of the purpose of the medical will be confirmed. Consent both to complete the medical and return the fitness certificate as well as advise about adjustments or restrictions if necessary will also be obtained.
Ionising Radiation Medical
Ionising radiation (IR) is carcinogenic and the risk of this causing cancer cannot be excluded, even at low doses. It is important to understand that there is no ‘safe level’ of radiation exposure. General principles underlying the clinical surveillance under IRR suggest that classified persons who work with ionising radiation require occupational health medical surveillance by using an appointed Physician or Occupational Health Adviser. The reason for medical surveillance is to verify that a person is suitable to work with ionising radiation. Medical surveillance of employees working with IR mean that those exposed to a possible dose of radiation as defined in the guidelines arrange suitable medical surveillance, as well as any employee who has received an overexposure also. The requirement for adequate medical surveillance includes a medical assessment before the employee begins working with ionising radiation with periodic clinical surveillance of workers when a relevant dose limit has been exceeded.
The structure of medical surveillance for every worker should take account of the nature of their work with IR and the condition of their general health. The responsibilities of the employee involve arranging for occupational health surveillance of categorised IR workers, offering the appointed doctor with relevant records before periodic evaluations of health, the minimum being the fitness record, summaries of radiation dose records, any ill health absence records as well as any medical issues that the employee has which needs to be brought to the attention of the OH Physician conducting the review.
The structure of the medical examination will rely on the facts obtained from the employee’s clinical and occupational history. An examination of uncovered areas of the pores and skin whilst working with IR will be carried out especially where the employee suffers from a current skin condition. As well as this a discussion regarding chronic respiratory disease (eg asthma) will be carried out as such conditions may make an employee unsuitable for working with IR. In addition to this a discussion of suitable PPE will also be carried out, however there is no requirement for a blood test both during the preliminary examination and at the periodic review, unless clinically indicated.
Asbestos Worker Medical
If your employees’ work with asbestos, chemicals or dust, that can be irritating to the respiratory systems or can cause sensitisation by inhalation, then they may need regular respiratory health surveillance medicals. OH3’s asbestos and other respiratory surveillance medicals include the assessment of a health questionnaire and spirometry testing (lung function test). The tests take 15 to 20 minutes per person and can be conducted onsite for larger companies to minimise time away from work. We can also arrange follow-up appointments for individuals at our clinics.
We can conduct screening programmes that are tailored to the requirements of respiratory risk in question, taking in to account the hazards, how often employees are exposed and an individual’s health status. If any employee has abnormal results at the screening they will be referred to their GP if non-work related, or to one of our OH Physicians for further advice and assessment if this is work related.
We conduct our work related asbestos and respiratory clinical surveillance to equip workers with information about their respiratory health when working with known substances which cause a risk. This involves a clinical assessing any early signs of asbestos-related illness which will prompt a decision on whether the employee should keep working with asbestos. As well as this our clinical team will caution employees on the relative dangers of working around asbestos, as well as the additional risk that smoking causes. As well as this the session will be used to equip employees to any asbestos issues specific to them as well as to underscore good working practices in order to equip employees working with asbestos with information about potential asbestos related conditions to ensure they have the knowledge required to safeguard their respiratory health. Another important reason for the asbestos worker health surveillance session is, being able to spot the early signs of asbestos-related sickness.
This type of medical is designed to be ongoing and should comprise of an initial and then ongoing clinical assessments. The first clinical assessment must be directed close to two years before starting introduction to asbestos. Intermittent clinical assessments must be led at interims of close to two years, with any medical issues that come to light due to the assessment being noted on a health surveillance record.
Lead Worker Medical (CLAW)
Working with lead poses a health risk to employees which can put them in danger by causing migraines, stomach conditions and potential iron deficiency. Additional risks can include nerve and kidney damage also. Employers are required under the lead working (CLAW) – control of lead at work regulations to assess the risks to their work force. Management must make suitable and sufficient health assessment available as a result of lead working for the health of their employees, including for any colleagues exposed to significant amounts of lead, for example through skin or respiratory exposure, in which case an employee must be placed under medical surveillance.
Lead working employees who require medical surveillance require assessment by an appointed professional delegated by the HSE to conduct any statutory lead working clinical observations. These medical assessments are designed to ensure employees are aware of early indications of potential medical conditions which may arise as a result of working with lead. As well as this, these assessments will ensure employers and management are aware of any medical issues that may arise, so an employee health can be guaranteed.
OH3 can conduct these lead working (CLAW) medicals at our clinics, or onsite with clients if there are large numbers of workers who need assessment. Our lead working medicals take around 45 minutes and involve a questionnaire, a blood and urine examination with results then laboratory analysed. As well as this a general assessment will take place to determine if any lead working health complaints have arisen for the employee.
OGUK Oil & Gas UK Medical
OH3 provide various organisations and individuals with a rapid appointment system for OGUK Offshore Medicals (previously known as UKOOA). Employees will need to pass this examination in order to work offshore. The certificate is issued at the end of the appointment and is valid for two years. In the event that employee does not pass or restrictions are required then the doctor will explain this to the employee and issue the relevant certificate.
The OGUK Offshore Medical (formerly known as a UKOOA) is required by law to work offshore in UK Waters. This medical consists of a health questionnaire, a blood pressure and pulse reading, a vision test including colour vision, an audiometric hearing test, a height and weight check in order to calculate BMI, a urine sample, peak flow measurement and a medical examination by an Occupational Health Physician.
For this medical we request that you please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment and your assessment will take approximately 45mins – 1 hour. Please bring along details of any prescribed medication that you are currently taking as well as photo identification, for this we will accept: Passport, Driving Licence or Company ID. You will be given a questionnaire to complete as part of your medical and you will also be asked to provide a urine sample so please make sure you drink plenty prior to your appointment. Depending on your employer’s policy you may also require a drug and/or alcohol test although this is not routinely carried out during an OGUK medical, only if specifically asked for by your employer. If you wear glasses, contact lenses or require a hearing aid, we ask that you bring these along also.
RUK/GWO Wind Turbine Medical
We offer workers in the renewable energy sector specific medical assessments and certification of fitness for work with wind turbines. The RUK/RenewableUK/ GWO Global Wind Organisation Wind Turbine clinical assessment is an evaluation of fitness to deal with both seaward and land based tasks associated work in this field.
RenewableUK GWO sets the parameters for the criteria of the clinical assessment and the medical is designed to ensure that those working around wind turbines do not have any conditions or ailments which would risk their safety in situation where they are working at height, in hot places or perhaps if they are using ladders or steps in confined spaces. These assessments help to guarantee a person’s fitness to work in conditions expected on wind turbines.
The RUK/GWO Medical was first established because neither the MCA Seafarers Medical nor OGUK Offshore Medical are in themselves suitable as a means of conducting a medical examination for the unique challenges associated with working on wind turbines. Following the assessment a certification will be provided to authenticate an employee as medically fit to work on wind turbines.
The test consists of the following but additional medical assessment areas can be incorporated on demand; health and medical history questionnaire, consultation with either our Occupational Health Physician or our Occupational Health Advisor, routine urine test, height and weight calculation for BMI, eye test to ensure a satisfactory level of level sight for working on wind turbines, pulse and blood pressure assessment, spirometry (lung function test), hearing test in our audio booth and a Chester Step Test.
Night Worker Medical Assessment
At OH3 we offer two types of night worker health assessments. The first is a questionnaire screening assessment. The questionnaires are distributed to staff to complete and are returned to OH3 for assessment by one of our Occupational Health Advisors. If they have elected to have a health medical then the company will be informed and an appointment offered at a time to suit the employee. If any health issues are indicated on the form the employee will receive a follow up appointment either by telephone assessment for a face to face medical. The company will then receive a report which will detail any necessary adjustments.
The second assessment is to offer a face to face medical with a member of our Clinical Team, being an Occupational Health Advisor. This assessment consists of a health questionnaire and general medical assessment including BP, pulse, BMI and urinalysis, with advice and support for employees whose health may be affected by their night working shift patterns.
It is important that employees are aware that some medical conditions may be affected by night work and these can include diabetes, epilepsy and other conditions. It may be required that any existing medication schedules be suitably altered as a result of shift work, which our OHP will explain if this situation arises.
Our nurses and doctors can advise the employee and management regarding the best way to manage the health of night working staff in relation to their shift work.
New Starter Medical Assessment
New starter health screening is an important part of any recruitment process, ensuring that the employee is capable to undertake their new role or to analyse if they have a disability, if so OH3 can then advise on any adjustments required.
For employees exposed to potential health hazards such as vibration, noise, skin and respiratory sensitisers we would recommend that baseline tests are conducted at the medical which are used as a comparator when attending future health surveillance screening.
We offer two types of assessments for new starter medicals, a health screening questionnaire and a face to face medical assessment.
Our health questionnaire screen can be by paper in a hard copy or by our online assessment using our client log in area. If an employee declares any health conditions or is taking any medication that requires further assessment we will arrange for one of our occupational health advisors to contact the employee for a telephone assessment. We also offer face to face new starter medicals, these can be conducted onsite if a number of employees require assessments or at one of our clinics.
The company is then issued with a fitness to work certificate for their new employee after these assessments.
Work Station Health Assessment (DSE)
At OH3 our specially trained Occupational Health Advisors conduct DSE workstation assessments for clients around the UK.
Our advisors conduct the assessment at your employee’s desk and take into account their video display unit, the desk, the type of mouse they use, the chair and working environment as a whole. They also consult with the employee about previous or current health problems which may be exacerbated by their workstation set-up such as back pain, headaches or upper limb problems.
We provide a detailed report with recommended adjustments or changes to the person’s workstation and advice on medical/therapy intervention if it is required.
We would recommend early referral for a detailed workstation assessment for employees presenting with any of the following scenarios; at start of employment, being; if an employee has a previous history of back or upper limb problems, a return to work following surgery or an illness, a complaint of the onset of back or upper limb symptoms, a complaint of frequent headaches or pregnancy.
Occupational health services for employers; request an occupational health quote for your company or organisation
You can use the form below to request a quotation and more information regarding our occupational health services for organisations
Occupational health service testimonials
Below is feedback from our occupational health clients:
Clinic Feedback:
“Very happy with the service provided. Onsite visits are ideal for what our company needs. I’ve found all staff members to be very polite and helpful”
Clinic Feedback:
“The OHA is approachable and professional, puts employees at ease and provides the relevant information to employer and company when required”
Clinic Feedback:
“All our employees felt at ease with the nurse and it helped show our employees that we have their health as our concern”
Clinic Feedback:
“The OHA understands our company well and therefore is able to provide advice which is well aligned and practical. We value her input, she is supportive, focussed and organised, follow up and reviews are always well planned”